Figure caption

Figure 3.43 | Feasibility characteristics of the Paris-consistent scenarios in the AR6 scenarios database : Feasibility corridors for the AR6 scenarios database, applying the methodology by (Brutschin et al. 2021).  (a) The fraction of scenarios falling within three categories of feasibility concerns (plausible, best case, unprecedented), for different times (2030, 2050, 2100), different climate categories consistent with the Paris Agreement and five dimensions. (b) Composite feasibility score (obtained by geometric mean of underlying indicators) over time for scenarios with immediate and delayed global mitigation efforts, for different climate categories (C1, C2, C3. Note: no C1 scenario has delayed participation). (c) The fraction of scenarios which in any point in time over the century exceed the feasibility concerns, for C1 and C3 climate categories. Overlayed are the Illustrative Mitigation Pathways (IMP-LP, IMP-SP, IMP-Ren: C1 category; IMP-Neg, IMP-GS: C3 category).