IPCC Working Group I final report materials, now available

GENEVA, May 5 – The IPCC has updated the website featuring the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. The site is accessible at https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/

The site provides access to the final PDF versions of the report chapters and annexes along with related materials. The report will be available in easy-to-read HTML format in the next version of the website. The report, which was approved and accepted by governments and published on 9 August 2021, has now undergone copy editing and layout as well as final checks and the implementation of corrections of errata submitted to the IPCC Error Protocol. Figures have been post-processed and the full report is now ready for print by Cambridge University Press.

What is available online now?

  • The Summary for Policymakers, Technical Summary, and Chapters in their final PDF format. 
  • Figures in PNG format for all report sections and chapters
  • Annexes, including the Glossary, references, and full report citations 
  • Expert and Government review comments and responses from authors
  • Translations of some report materials into the 6 UN languages, with more to follow
  • Outreach material, including FAQs, fact sheets, press materials, videos, and presentations

How can I give feedback?

The IPCC web team welcomes feedback on the usability and accessibility of the new site. Please consider filling out our short survey (available on the website) to share your experiences and help us improve the site for all users.