2027 IPCC Methodology Report on Inventories for Short-lived Climate Forcers

Methodology Report


The Panel at its 49th Session in May 2019 adopted Decision IPCC-XLIX-7 that the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) should produce a Methodology Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF).

Preparatory work for the Methodology Report is starting in the sixth assessment cycle and continue with further methodological development in the seventh assessment cycle.

Within the sixth assessment cycle, three to four expert meetings will produce a series of supporting materials which will inform a scoping meeting on the Methodology Report on SLCF.

The scoping meeting where the outline was drafted considered the work on SLCF from the Sixth Assessment Reports of Working Group I and III.

The scoping meeting took place from 26 – 28 February 2024 in Brisbane, Australia.

The Panel agreed on the outline ( Decision IPCC-LXI-7) for the 2027 IPCC Methodology Report on Inventories for Short-lived Climate Forcers at the 61st Session of the Panel that took place from 27 July to 2 August 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Preparatory Work

The TFI has rescheduled the expert meetings planned for 2020 because of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expert meetings are now planned for:

  • 2021 TBD, FAO, Rome, Italy – Expert meeting on SLCF emissions from sources in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sectors
  • 15-17 December 2020, Istanbul, Turkey – Expert meeting on SLCF emissions from sources in the Energy and Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sectors.

The TFI Technical Support Unit is compiling source categories of SLCF emissions and producing a comparative analysis of IPCC methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions/removals and available methodologies for estimation of SLCF emissions to assess their degree of integration, as well as any gaps. Draft analysis for all sectors, i.e. Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste, have already been shared with organizations that produce SLCF methodologies to collect their feedback.

Participants of both expert meetings have been selected by the TFI Bureau taking into account scientific and technical expertise, geographical and gender balance to the extent possible in line with Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work.