Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) explain important processes and aspects that are relevant to the whole report for a broad audience and help to interpret the report. They are related to the Chapter they are assigned to, but can be relevant to multiple Chapters.

FAQs from the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

FAQ 1.1 How do changes in the ocean and cryosphere affect our life on planet Earth?

FAQ 1.2: How will changes in the ocean and cryosphere affect meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

FAQ 2.1 How does glacier shrinkage affect river runoff further downhill?

FAQ 3.1: How do changes in the Polar Regions affect other parts of the world?

FAQ 4.1: What challenges does the inevitability of sea level rise present to coastal communities and how can communities adapt?

FAQ5.1: How is life in the sea affected by climate change?

FAQ 6.1: How can risks of abrupt changes in the ocean and cryosphere related to climate change be addressed?

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